Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Reinvented


I didn't do a humongous Valentine Cookie Decorating Extravaganza today.

After twenty-five years, I'm (mostly) out of that business!

Just a small-ish affair with my lovely lassies.

We crafted personalized cards . . .

and decorated modest-sized cookies.

But - HEY - my gals loved them,

especially since they never got acquainted the Monster Hearts of past years.

The elderly folks in our neighborhood got . . .


paper cut-out hearts
sweet hand-made cards

squeals of delight
attempts to escape before getting caught.

Sometimes, we actually WERE caught so we had to stop for

The lassies were determined to give all their cookies away.

But some my darlins' were tempted beyond their limits!

1 comment:

K said...

It's a little sad. I miss the extravaganza - as I know you do (and emphatically, on some levels, don't). But of course, you turn it into something just as sweet, but more sensible. And here you are, having them take these great things to old people. Ha. Haahahahah. I look at people now and think, "Those old people are doing this - " like I'm not one of them.

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