Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Flown the Coop

In 2003, my daughter Kelty fell deeply in love
with Mr. Duano-Braino from Canada.
The following year, they were married.

Duane was a consummate computer geek and Kelty was an artsy sort of gal.
None-the-less, they had some important things in common . . .



just two days apart.
(We've celebrated on the 'between' day.)

Kelty and Duane have put each other through their university studies. She graduated last April and he completed his final courses in June.

As I mentioned, Duane is a computer geek. Not just the garden variety of C.G. He's special. Like, really REALLY s*m*a*r*t. (He didn't get the name "Duano-Braino for nuttin!)

Anyhow, last month K & D were "wined & dined" for 4 days (and nights) at the Trump Towers where Kelty ate bonbons while Duane went through long hours of interviewing for a high-powered position with a company which values his kind of 'smart'.

We (-the entire family-) waited with baited breath for two weeks before his contract arrived and his position became official.

GETCO (Global Equitities Trading Company) " trades in over 30 markets in North America, Europe and Asia. It is among the top 5 participants by volume on many venues, including the CME, Eurex, NYSE Arca, NYSE ARCA Options, BATS, Nasdaq, Nasdaq Options, Chi-X, BrokerTec, and eSpeed."

Well, that's fine and dandy and has many implications for lots of people 'round the world, but what it REALLY means TO ME is that I've LOST my daughter and my dear S.I. L. to the city of . . .

They packed up and left Utah on Tuesday. providing me with frequent travel updates via iPhone. Their new apartment is located in the coolest part of the city, in Millenial Park Plaza ~ an extraordinary skyscraper situated next to . . . Millenial Park!

And they'll be NESTING there.

No more playing Mommy & Daddy
with their nieces and nephews!

We're talking the REAL THING!
Grandbaby #6 arriving next January.
Good work, K & D!!!


Rebecca said...

Congratulations to Kelty and Duane!! We are so excited to hear about the awesome job and the to be baby.

Kelty said...

Dear Mom,

That was the sweetest, most touching blog post I've ever read. It made me cry. I love each and every one of the pictures, and it fills my heart the things that you said about us. I am going to print this post out and store it in my memories forever. Thank you for loving us each individually for our unique talents, and honoring our union as a whole. We MISS you too, bitter-sweet time here. Thank you SO much, it makes me feel good that people will be reading about our life transitions. You publish such excellent and interesting blogs (and I am flattered to be the subject of this one) love always,

K said...

NO. NO. How can she keep a horse in CHICAGO? This is AWFUL!!! Besides, I liked having her around, even if I only saw her once in a while at CAL Ranch and in parades. Anyway, I know what it's like to have kids that far away. So when you feel sad, I'm with you. Congrats to them, but pffff on a world where children can be so far away. And in a city. Without a horse.

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