Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Last Day

My last day with Leah's family was undoubtedly the BEST DAY OF ALL.

(And you might be glad to know - this will be my LAST grandmotherly post.)

We stayed home and simply played.

Of course, the girls were THRILLED to walk the dogs around the block.
It's been a daily ritual, a daily highlight.

Notice the darling pup on the left.
That's "Buddy", my neighbor's dog who is staying with us for a few weeks.
The red-headed child on the right is a beloved second cousin.

We strung beads at the picnic table. And made terrific accessories.

You only get head shots because the gals went au naturel in my secluded backyard.

In the evening, we lit sparklers - the torch kind - and the kids sashayed around the yard in their pajamas.

Watch out, Buddy!

Baby Reese was content to CHEW on a box of sparklers.

As the twilight descended, dark clouds gathered
and we watched a summer storm moving across the sky on the other side of the valley.

This photo shows what we saw from our back yard, but it looks unreal. It wasn't.

When the rain began splashing on our heads, we went inside.

STORY TIME is certainly my favorite time . . . as a child, a mother and now a grandmother.

Good night my dear little angels.

P.S. Leah's gang arrived home this morning.


Rachel said...

Look at their matching jammies!

So cute and so much fun! I've said it a million times..... you're such an amazing grandma! But then, I'm not surprised as you are such an amazing person!

K said...

That rain was probably falling on US!! Sparklers in PJs - magical. Beads in the hair, lovely. Rachel and I both vote for you as the Dolly Lama Grandma. And we think you are magical -

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