Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tug of War

This is my most current photo of local weather conditions,
taken right from my front porch.

(If you look in the bottom left-hand corner,
you can see the shadows of the native oaks in my yard.)

Nobody told Utah that the first day of Spring was March 20th.

AND, here's the view from the top of my driveway.
Lovely, but seasonally inappropriate.

AND, hiking the canyon has been raaaaather frigid.
(I can't photograph the glacier icy wind. I promise, it was there.)

winter will NOT win this tug-of-war!

My apricot tree is bravely blossoming
outside my bedroom window.
(You can't see it, but those blossoms are shivering.)

And, there are baby leaves being birthed
at the mouth of the canyon.
(If you wonder where the snow is,
we get a dump and then a thaw and then a dump.)

* * *

There was a different sort of
taking place on the home front.

On the left is my grandson Kenneth
who came for a three day visit to Grandma's house.
On the right is another fellar who spent Saturday morning with us.

These tikes found great delight in playing
"Tug of War"
with any items deemed valuable by the other one
using large household implements to play
"BOINK the Other Little Boy's Head".

Things such as the fireplace shovel and my rolling pin.

After that Other Little Boy left with his parents,
Kenneth played "Horsey"
by actually riding on top of this miniature version.
Repeatedly, through-out the weekend.

Mr. K was THRILLED to strum a guitar while three teen-age girls
(my god-daughter & two friends)
showed their admiration of his fine musical prowess.

He spent a good deal of his time, jiving to pretend tunes
via the non-working earphones from my dress-up box,

. . . and swimming around the living room carpet,
decked out in my snorkeling gear

. . . alongside his very best friend - CHICA.


Jill Lewis said...

I can't thank you enough for taking this young man! Thank you so much!!

K said...

Wow. Your photo work is gorgeous. I HATE this snow. But your blossoms - amazing. We have no such thing down in the bottoms yet. Lake effect, I guess. And I haven't noticed a single unfolding leaf. But now i have them because of you.

Leah said...

These pictures and descriptions of Kenneth crack me up! I can see Avery playing right along with him!

Kelty said...

Great pictures mom! I love the "tools of destruction" that you made pictures of, I'm so glad both Kenneth and Bowen survived! You are the best grandma ever.

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