Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I traveled to Venice during my college years.

It was ripe with intoxicating magic.
I feared that the Venice of 2012 couldn't match my enchanted memories.

I was wrong.

Coming into Venice BY SHIP was simply spectacular.

Bert, my 87 year old cabin mate and I savored every minute of it from our very own balcony.

Still in our jammies and robes!

Fortunately, it was a crystal clear morning and the Italian Alps were distinctly visible in the distance.

We sailed right by the Bridge of Sighs where convicts took their last walk before imprisonment.

It was fascinating to see how the transportation system works.

Small boats carry all goods into the city and all refuge out.

We tarried in Venice for three full days.

What an extraordinarily beautiful city, so lavish with artistic expression.

It seemed as if I encountered something totally AMAZING every time I lifted my eyes and looked around.

Venice is made up of 118 small islands, separated by canals and linked by bridges.

Some of the islands have very distinct flavors, such as the island of Burano with it's brightly painted homes.

It's a 40-minute boat ride to get to Burano from the Piazza San Marco.

It takes you well out of the tourist zone and into a much homier part of Venice.

On the return ride, I sat across from these two passengers who dozed off shortly after we left Burano.

This is how they looked, about fifteen minutes later.

Taking the Venetian vaporettos (water buses) provides a great way to experience the city on a dime.

We floated right by major sights while my travel-mates slumbered.

Just a few weeks later, my son and his family also made it to Venice . . .

following in my footsteps, once again.

They glided through the canals on a gondola, not a vaporetto.

My granddaughter Audrey is soooo British now. Apparently she said . . .

"I am feeling very giddy!"

Can't you see it in this photo?

They treasured their time in Venice as much as their mom.

I love this shot of Venice at night, taken by my son.

I really, really hope to return some day.

P.S. Did I mention that Venetian men are simply adorable?


Jill Lewis said...

Three Cheers for Venice!

K said...

bello! I have never wanted to see it myself - but your pictures are seductive - and the little family - they make me a little giddy myself!

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