Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ginger's B & B

My home is fondly been given the name of Ginger's B&B by my goddaughter's family.

Okay, sometimes it's like that.

Here's Victoria with her dear friend Sarah who is leaving to go on an LDS mission in Italy.

This shot was taken seconds before Sarah was whisked off to the Missionary Training Center.

Three of Victoria's sisters stayed at my place before leaving on their missions.
It's a big, exciting and scary time of transition. They go for eighteen months to two years of service.

I remember ever so clearly the details of the day my son left.

Vic stayed around for a week, due to a certain young man.
Too bad he's also leaving on a mission (to Taiwan, not Italy) in a few days!

Vic has always been a great napper. I learned this about her while she lived with me.

Don't you love Vic's curly locks?

Then there's ME, wearing my dorky reading glasses on a chain, just like the old librarians.

Let's face it. I'm now a certifiable senior citizen.

* * * * * *

The day after Victoria left, my son's family arrived.

They've officially announced the birth of this adorable little whippersnapper with a DYNAMITE middle name:

She's a great little traveler. GOOD THING. Her parents are taking her to Europe this summer!

Big Brother and Big Sister loved zipping down my driveway on these scooter cars:

They also loved eating home-made frozen smoothies inside a cardboard box.

Have you ever noticed how entertaining large boxes can be for preschoolers?!

On Sunday, these two imps woke up before 6 a.m. and crawled into my bed.

Their parents deserved more rest . . . which they wouldn't get if the kids were romping about.

I made a judicious decision to sack my highfalutin standards regarding the Plug-in Drug.
(My own kids had very limited access to TV during their deprived childhoods.)

I gave them both a set of earphones and let them watch The Bee Movie on my netbook computer:

Notice the TIGHT FIT on my TWIN SIZE bed WITH DOG:

When Mom and Dad awoke and whipped into action, the movie was just ending.

The kids were dressed, fed, and out the door for church in record time.

They wanted their photos taken with their favorite dog in the whole wide world:

It was GOODBYE for a few days. They'll be back for the 4th of July.

Right after their departure, my dear friend Dion arrived for a two-week stay:

We met on the back of a bus in Japan in 2005.

I did NOT take this sweet photo of her from the back of the bus.
We went helicopter-ing together, many moons later.


Sorry I fell silent for two weeks. I actually didn't "go away". I just got INVOLVED.

After all, there's Ginger's B & B which is completely delightful but requires a bit of focus.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for allowing us to enjoy your B & B mom, the Kids sure love you!

-Your First Born

K said...

Rich, rich life. So many call you blessed. But here's my question: may we make a reservation at 6 for dinner? Maybe, say - tomorrow? We won't sleep over though.

Rachel said...

(In a singing voice) Coming to Ginger's B&B, Coming to Ginger's B&B!!!

I think that is so very special and perfect that that little one has the middle name Ginger! She'll be just like you. Full of ginger and spice and most definetly, everything nice!

victoria said...

Thank you for letting me stay at Gingers B&B! I love it so much I am back for a second time this month! It really is a place of rest, healing and happiness for me. Thank you for everything Ginger.
And for future Guests- May I recommend the fresh fruit smoothies? They are impeccable, and complement the sprout and hummus tortillas very nicely!

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