Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June Wedding with a Twist

Before we leave this first month of summer,
I want to tell about a June wedding in my family.

My brother's seventh and last child finally stepped up to the plate
and tied the knot.

My bro and his wife have been waiting about a decade for this to happen.
When she got engaged, her parents shouted HALLELUJAH
(which was actually printed on the announcement in italics.)

CK, the bride, my niece, has over 100 first cousins.
Yep. It's true.
A good many family members made big sacrifices to be a part of the celebration
. . . and brought their little crop of bambinos.

However, there was one person missing - the father of the bride.

My brother is a mission president in Russia for the LDS church.
That's a 3-year calling.
Meaning = He goes. He stays.

Ken oversees legions of young missionaries from his home base in Moscow.
It's a big deal. By staying, he made the BIGGEST sacrifice of all.

But OH how my brother wanted to BE THERE for his daughter's wedding!!!

I know how he felt about it.
Down in my bones, I know.

I also know that Ken is a highly creative problem solver.
he devised a way to be there
and still stay in charge of his missionaries in Russia.

He showed up VIRTUALLY.

A camera and two large monitors were stationed near where the wedding guests entered.
Signs were posted "Chat with Ken".

Basically, he SKYPED his way into the celebration!

For at least FIVE HOURS my bro sat at his desk in Moscow,
greeting the wedding guests in Utah.

Below you see his 90 year-old mother-in-law
having a good ole chat with Ken.

(Her very young face is illuminated on the right-hand screen.)

Notice she is cupping her hand as if she's shouting to someone very, very far away.

This virtual thing was, indeed, an atypical modality
for congratulating the father of the bride
and host of the party.

Look at the little slice of Ken's projected face on the left of the groom
as he watches the cake cutting ceremony from his front row seat.

The bride and groom are now beginning their life together in Manhattan.
They've even purchased a sweet lil bungalow
on the 'Upper West' side.

CK will continue creating gorgeous dresses
via her company Shabby Apple.
And Carl will continue settling disputes on the legal front.

On the home front, it's a whole new life.

Hats off to my dear SIL Athelia
who stood alone as the Mistress of Ceremonies.


K said...

Beautiful wedding. Brilliant solution (and quite magical, really). She looks just like a Wooley. How the devil did she get 100 first cousins? Your parents didn't have that many kids. Did they? And it's not like you guys are rabbits. Cute as. But not in actuality. What a blessed fam. And what a noble person is your Ken. All those resources, and an open hand with his sibs. You are a remarkable bunch.

Ginger said...

Dear K

My sister-in-law comes from a family of thirteen children. They populated far more than our side of the family,although we are a healthy-sized clan by NORMAL standards.

Anonymous said...

Wedding-By-Skype - totally cool! Thanks for sharing the story and great photos. Congrats on being spotlighted in DesNews Mormon Times today.
Your post is getting a lot of attention.
Cheers, MoSop

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