Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

The Thanksgiving holiday translated into a full week of wonderful chaos around my place.

(And, BTW, that's legitimate excuse for skipping the blog about my amazing drive home from Nevada.)

Amidst it all,
there were moments for snoozing.
Duane on the couch.
Pregnant Kelty on the floor
and Chica, the dog cozying into the scene.

And early morning wake-ups.
Grandson Kenneth on my bed.

Delightful, fully-awake play times.
Grandma Ginger's "Wiggle Cars"

And communal work times.
Arian and Duane peeling potatoes for a crowd.

Time for good conversation
with intermittent turkey basting.
Sister-in-law Cathy, her eldest girls Robyn & Eliza,
my goddaughter Victoria.

Finally, the BIG feast . . .
(Sorry, folks. I didn't catch everyone in this shot.)

and some little feasting too!
My darling granddaughter Audrey.

there was a willing clean-up crew.
Kelty, Jill, niece Grace, Duane, goddaughter Dana and others.

When the dishes were done,
the extended family gathered for carol singing.
Every one of our clan loves to sing
and I have to say, we sounded awesome.

And, of course,
there were stolen moments for
hiking up the canyon
Here's my dear daughter-in-law Jill
during one of those strolls.

Good times.

1 comment:

Leah said...

This makes me miss being home for Thanksgiving!

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