Saturday, November 21, 2009

In Charge, In Nevada


My son and his wife did their first ever
Get Away, just the two of them.
Off to Boston.

So Grandma Ginger came onto the scene
and did the A - Z with her dear Nevada Kidlets.

I brought a pile of play toys with me.
As you can see, the dinosaurs were a hit.

Little Audrey loved having a Patty Cake Partner.

Bright and early,

3 year-old Kenneth

climbed onto

the preschool bus.

Notice that


He absolutely LOVES

going to school.

In turn, the bus driver

and the teachers ADORE

Mr. Kenneth. Who wouldn't?

Then THIS darling tike and I
got some one-on-one time in the mornings.

We strolled the neighborhood together,
which was ever so pleasant in the Nevada sunshine.

She absolutely WON my heart,
fair and square!

* * *

In the evenings, there was time for stuff like
Artistic Endeavors & Culinary Crafts.

Notice Audrey, APPRECIATING our masterpieces.

* * *
One day, I took my grandson to gymnastics.
I was totally awed by the things a good teacher
can get a 3 year-old to accomplish.

When Mommy and Daddy arrived home,
it was tough to say goodbye.

However, I had sweet little adventure coming home.
I'll share THAT in the next post.

Let me just say,
I didn't travel on the Yellow Brick Road.
Rather, the Red Sandstone Highway.
It's something else!


Jill Lewis said...

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You a million times over! Love you!

K said...

Once again, I crown you saint.

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