Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Islands of Malta

View from our balcony on the ship when we landed in Malta

I am getting off the ship in 30 minutes to spend a couple of days with my niece who lives in Athens. An update is past due. We spent a few days in Spain, nearly a week in Turkey, as well as full days in Romania and the Ukraine. However, I'm going to focus on Malta. It's an archipelago of islands between Tunisia and Sicily. The natives speak a language combining Arabic and Italian. They are a delightful people and I made lots of friends during our stay.

The coastlines of the Maltanese Islands are fascinating

However, it was the villages which really won my heart.

Very few streets can handle automobiles.
So kids can kick soccer balls without concerns of getting run over.

(Notice the boy in the background with his ball in the above shots.)

Many residents place potted plants in front of their homes and this makes the narrow alleyways so inviting.

Some of these homes are more than 500 years old. The locals proud of their heritage.

Because the crusaders made Malta a home base, the people are also very tied to their Christian roots.

The majority of homes use their street-level windows as religious displays.

This woman and I made friends using the granddaughter as our connecting link.

We visited for quite a while, in spite of the fact that we have a language in common.
We did, however, share the language of mothering, grandmothering.

Women make lace in the same way they've done in for centuries.

The primary industry of Malta: fishing, naturally.

Untangling the nets is a long, long process. I watched. And watched.


Dear Kids,

Do not worry about me. I've got a new boyfriend . . .

. . . and a new hobby.

And, btw, you never need to believe a word I say.

It's been 27 minutes and I need to head out. My niece is waiting!


Rachel said...

SQUEALING!!! Kristen!!!! See!!!! Ginger and I joined at the hip! She's got coins and a hookah!!!!!! :D

That street with the potted plants!!! I want to live on that...... or.... maybe for the winter months...... I want to live on that street for the winter months it looks so romantic!!!

K said...

You two are definitely scalliwags and hookah suckers. For heaven's sake. But I'm not feeling all that great about the boyfriend. I love that street with the potted plants, too - and the fact that the people seem to love their spiritual roots, also. And no cars. I love that. But Italian and Arabic? Complex. I could never learn it. Ginger rushes in where angels fear to tread, and always comes out smelling like a rose. Some of the places you have gone, my dear, even had GUY worried. But you never worry. You love too much.

blueroserider said...

Beautiful pictures, as always. I, also love the alley with the plants. You can come home and pretend to smoke hookah with me, Ging.

Duane Johnson said...

Wow, fantastic post! I can *almost* understand how getting lost in a foreign country is the ultimate freedom. Almost.

Robyn said...

Way cute shirt Aunt Ginger!! (In the last pic) Also, that shot of the alleyway with all the potted plants... I would die to do a shoot there!! Eugh I want to go to Europe NOW!

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