Friday, September 3, 2010

Ethiopia Travel Companions Hit Utah!

Our merry band of Ethiopian travelers held a first-time reunion right here in Utah.
In fact, right here at my very home.
(Do you recognize the trees behind the back deck, kids?)

Just four months ago, we explored a completely different world TOGETHER,

experiencing life from unique angles.

Like, ABOVE, cozied into the carved-out monk dwellings in the rock walls of the ancient churches . . .

. . . or standing with our eyes at the level of the 138th floor of an Ethiopian termite high-rise condo.
(There are thousands of mounds dotting the countryside.)

What an honor to have my friends show up inTHIS part of the world!

Please come again soon.
Love, Ginger

1 comment:

K said...

I need to fipping renew my passport. You never know when a foreign country will simply suck you in, and without papers, where would you be? Your life - it's like reading an adventure novel, and a family novel all at once.

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