Thursday, April 16, 2009

No Doubt No Drought

This morning I opened the blinds to my bedroom windows and
THIS is the scene that greeted me.

"NO! NO! NO!" I shouted,
but that didn't change the uncomely weather.


I let the dog out the front door and it was still there.

Notice my truck with a 'loaded' hood.

And it was there, out the back window too.

No possibility of hopping up THESE stairs in my side yard.

But I DO have to say,
my tulips looked rather splendid with their white backdrop.

And the fruit blossoms looked like they'd possibly survive.

So I gathered my courage,
threw on my snow boots,
and hiked the canyon.
What else could I do on a day like today?!

I'm hoping MAY will bring an END to this ridiculous nonsense.

1 comment:

K said...

May will certainly bring an end to SOMETHING!! And depending on how fast this junk melts - maybe to my HOUSE.

Beautiful shots. Lovely, lovely.

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